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بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
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Thumma kana AAalaqatan fakhalaqafasawwa ثم كان علقة فخلق فسوى
ثُمَّ كَانَ عَلَقَةً فَخَلَقَ فَسَوَّى
Tahir ul Qadri

  پھر وہ (رحم میں جال کی طرح جما ہوا) ایک معلّق وجود بن گیا، پھر اُس نے (تمام جسمانی اَعضاء کی اِبتدائی شکل کو اس وجود میں) پیدا فرمایا، پھر اس نے (انہیں) درست کیا

Yousuf AliThen did he become a leech-like clot; then did (Allah) make and fashion (him) in due proportion.

Ahmed Aliپھر وہ لوتھڑا بنا پھر الله نے اسے بنا کر ٹھیک کیا
Ahmed Raza Khanپھر خون کی پھٹک ہوا تو اس نے پیدا فرمایا پھر ٹھیک بنایا
Shabbir Ahmed پھر ہوا ایک لوتھڑا پھر پیدا کیا اسے اللہ نے اور ہر لحاظ سے درست کیا۔
Fateh Muhammad Jalandharyپھر لوتھڑا ہوا پھر (خدا نے) اس کو بنایا پھر (اس کے اعضا کو) درست کیا
Mehmood Al Hassanپھر تھا لہو جما ہوا پھر اُس نے بنایا اور ٹھیک کر اٹھایا
Abul Ala Maududiپھر وہ ایک لوتھڑا بنا، پھر اللہ نے اس کا جسم بنایا اور اس کے اعضا درست کیے
Farooq S. Khan
Mohammad Shaikh
LiteralThen (he) was/became a blood clot , so He created (it), so He straightened/perfected (it).
Yusuf AliThen did he become a leech-like clot; then did (Allah) make and fashion (him) in due proportion.
PickthalThen he became a clot; then (Allah) shaped and fashioned
Arberry Then he was a blood-clot, and He created and formed,
ShakirThen he was a clot of blood, so He created (him) then made (him) perfect.
SarwarWas he not turned into a clot of blood? God then formed him and gave him proper shape.
H/K/SaheehThen he was a clinging clot, and [Allah] created [his form] and proportioned [him]
MalikThen he became a leechlike mass, then Allah created him and fashioned him in due proportion,[38]
Maulana Ali**Then he was a clot; so He created (him), then made (him) perfect.
Free MindsThen he was a clot, so he was created and developed.
Qaribullah Then he was a clot of blood, then He created and formed him
George SaleAfterwards he became a little coagulated blood; and God formed him, and fashioned him with just proportion:
JM RodwellThen he became thick blood of which God formed him and fashioned him;
Asadand thereafter became a germ-cell - whereupon He created and formed [it] in accordance with what [it] was meant to be,
Khalifa**Then He created an embryo out of it!
Hilali/Khan**Then he became an Alaqa (a clot); then (Allah) shaped and fashioned (him) in due proportion.
QXP Shabbir Ahemd**Then he became a zygote. And He shaped and fashioned him in due proportion.
Farooq S. Khan
Mohammad Shaikh
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** - Read with caution - These Translations, specially those which are marked here with **, are considered either incorrect, far-fetched, non-conforming or misleading. For all translations, care must be exercised for certain verses or an alternate translation should be considered.
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بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
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