1. [5:63] | Lawla yanhahumu alrrabbaniyyoonawaal-ahbaru AAan qawlihimu al-ithmawaaklihimu alssuhta labi/sa ma kanooyasnaAAoona
| لولا ينهاهم الربانيون والأحبار عن قولهم الإثم وأكلهم السحت لبئس ما كانوا يصنعون لَوْلاَ يَنْهَاهُمُ الرَّبَّانِيُّونَ وَالْأَحْبَارُ عَن قَوْلِهِمُ الْإِثْمَ وَأَكْلِهِمُ السُّحْتَ لَبِئْسَ مَا كَانُواْ يَصْنَعُونَ |
Tahir ul Qadri | انہیں (روحانی) درویش اور (دینی) علماء ان کے قولِ گناہ اور اکلِ حرام سے منع کیوں نہیں کرتے؟ بیشک وہ (بھی برائی کے خلاف آواز بلند نہ کر کے) جو کچھ تیار کر رہے ہیں بہت برا ہے |
Yousuf Ali | Why do not the rabbis and the doctors of Law forbid them from their (habit of) uttering sinful words and eating things forbidden? Evil indeed are their works.
Words | | |
Ahmed Ali | ان کے فقراء اور علماء گناہ کی بات کہنے اور حرام مال کھانے سے انہیں کیوں نہیں منع کرتے البتہ بری ہے وہ چیز جو وہ کرتے ہیں |
Ahmed Raza Khan | انہیں کیوں نہیں منع کرتے ان کے پادری اور درویش گناہ کی بات کہنے اور حرام کھانے سے، بیشک بہت ہی برے کام کررہے ہیں |
Shabbir Ahmed | کیوں نہیں منع کرتے اُنہیں اُن کے درویش اور علما گناہ کی بات کہنے سے اور حرام کھانے سے بہت ہی بُرے ہیں وہ کام جو یہ کر رہے ہیں۔ |
Fateh Muhammad Jalandhary | بھلا ان کے مشائخ اور علماء انہیں گناہ کی باتوں اور حرام کھانے سے منع کیوں نہیں کرتے؟ بلاشبہ وہ بھی برا کرتے ہیں |
Mehmood Al Hassan | کیوں نہیں منع کرتے انکے درویش اور علماء گناہ کی بات کہنے سے اور حرام کھانے سے بہت ہی برے عمل ہیں جو کر رہے ہیں |
Abul Ala Maududi | کیوں اِن کے عُلما٫ اور مشائخ انہیں گناہ پر زبان کھولنے اور حرام کھانے سے نہیں روکتے؟ یقیناً بہت ہی برا کارنامہ زندگی ہے جو وہ تیار کر رہے ہیں |
Farooq S. Khan | |
Mohammad Shaikh | |
Literal | If only the knowledgeable lord worshippers and the religious scholars forbid/prevent them from their saying the sin/crime and their eating the forbidden/possessions acquired through cheatery ; how bad (E) (is) what they were producing/manufacturing ? |
Yusuf Ali | Why do not the rabbis and the doctors of Law forbid them from their (habit of) uttering sinful words and eating things forbidden? Evil indeed are their works. |
Pickthal | Why do not the rabbis and the priests forbid their evil-speaking and their devouring of illicit gain? Verily evil is their handiwork. |
Arberry | Why do the masters and the rabbis not forbid them to utter sin, and consume the unlawful? Evil is the thing they have been working. |
Shakir | Why do not the learned men and the doctors of law prohibit them from their speaking of what is sinful and their eating of what is unlawfully acquired? Certainly evil is that which they work. |
Sarwar | Why did the men of God and rabbis not forbid them from following their sinful words and their consuming of unlawful gains. Evil was their (rabbis and priests) profession! |
H/K/Saheeh | Why do the rabbis and religious scholars not forbid them from saying what is sinful and devouring what is unlawful? How wretched is what they have been practicing. |
Malik | Why don |
Maulana Ali** | Why do not the rabbis and the doctors of law prohibit them from their sinful utterances and their devouring unlawful gain? Certainly evil are the works they do. |
Free Minds | Did not the Rabbis and Priests deter them for speaking evil and consuming money illicitly? Miserable indeed is what they had done. |
Qaribullah | Do those of the Lord and the rabbis not forbid them to speak sinfully and to devour what is unlawful? Evil indeed is what they were doing. |
George Sale | Unless their doctors and priests forbid them uttering wickedness, and eating things forbidden; woe unto them for what they shall have committed. |
JM Rodwell | Had not their doctors and teachers forbidden their uttering wickedness, and their eating unlawful food, bad indeed would have been their doings! |
Asad | Why do not their men of God and their rabbis' forbid them to make sinful assertions and to swallow all that is evil? Vile indeed is what they contrive! |
Khalifa** | If only the rabbis and the priests enjoin them from their sinful utterances and illicit earnings! Miserable indeed is what they commit. |
Hilali/Khan** | Why do not the rabbis and the religious learned men forbid them from uttering sinful words and from eating illegal things. Evil indeed is that which they have been performing. |
QXP Shabbir Ahemd** | Why don't the rabbis and the priests forbid them from their down-grading assertions and illicit earnings? Indeed condemnable is what they manufacture. (A great many religious leaders, rabbis, priests, monks, mullahs, yogis, and mystics devour the wealth of people deceptively, and hinder them from the Way of Allah (9:34)). |
Farooq S. Khan | |
Mohammad Shaikh | |
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** - Read with caution - These Translations, specially those which are marked here with **, are considered either incorrect, far-fetched, non-conforming or misleading. For all translations, care must be exercised for certain verses or an alternate translation should be considered. |
Verse(s): 1 | Surah : 5 - Al-Maidah | Showing verse 63 of 120 in chapter 5 |
Click on Verse Number to see all 27 Translations |
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ |