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بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
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Fa-itha nazala bisahatihimfasaa sabahu almunthareena فإذا نزل بساحتهم فساء صباح المنذرين
فَإِذَا نَزَلَ بِسَاحَتِهِمْ فَسَاءَ صَبَاحُ الْمُنذَرِينَ
Tahir ul Qadri

  پھر جب وہ (عذاب) ان کے سامنے اترے گا تو اِن کی صبح کیا ہی بُری ہوگی جنہیں ڈرایا گیا تھا

Yousuf AliBut when it descends into the open space before them, evil will be the morning for those who were warned (and heeded not)!

Ahmed Aliپس جب ان کے میدان میں آ نازل ہوگا تو کیسی بری صبح ہو گی ان کی جو ڈرائے گئے
Ahmed Raza Khanپھر جب اترے گا ان کے آنگن میں تو ڈرائے گیوں کی کیا ہی بری صبح ہوگی،
Shabbir Ahmed پھر جب وہ آ اترے گا ان کے صحن میں تو بہت برا ہوگا حال ان لوگوں کا جنہیں متنبہ کیا جارہا ہے۔
Fateh Muhammad Jalandharyمگر جب وہ ان کے میدان میں آ اُترے گا تو جن کو ڈر سنا دیا گیا تھا ان کے لئے برا دن ہوگا
Mehmood Al Hassanپھر جب اترے گی ان کے میدان میں تو بری صبح ہو گی ڈرائے ہوؤں کی
Abul Ala Maududiجب وہ اِن کے صحن میں آ اترے گا تو وہ دن اُن لوگوں کے لیے بہت برا ہو گا جنہیں متنبہ کیا جا چکا ہے
Farooq S. Khan
Mohammad Shaikh
LiteralSo if it (the torture) descended at their court/yard, so it became (a) bad/evil/harmful morning/day break (of) the warned/given notice.
Yusuf AliBut when it descends into the open space before them, evil will be the morning for those who were warned (and heeded not)!
PickthalBut when it cometh home to them, then it will be a hapless morn for those who have been warned.
Arberry When it lights in their courtyard, how evil will be the morning of them that are warned!
ShakirBut when it shall descend in their court, evil shall then be the morning of the warned ones.
SarwarWhen it descends into their courtyard, it will be terrible for those who have already been warned.
H/K/SaheehBut when it descends in their territory, then evil is the morning of those who were warned.
MalikBut dreadful will be that morning, when it will descend in the courtyards of those who have been forewarned.[177]
Maulana Ali**And turn away from them till a time,
Free MindsThen, when it descends into their courtyard, evil will be the morning, for they have already been warned.
Qaribullah When it descends upon their courtyards, evil will be the morning of those forewarned.
George SaleVerily when it shall descend into their courts, an evil morning shall it be unto those who were warned in vain.
JM RodwellBut when it shall come down into their courts, an evil morning shall it be to those who have had their warning.
AsadBut then, once it alights upon them, hapless will be the awakening of those who were warned [to no avail]! [Lit., "when it alights in their courtyard, evil [or "hapless"] is the morning of those...", etc. In ancient Arabic usage, the idiomatic phrase "chastisement [or "suffering"] has alighted (nazala) in so-and-so's courtyard" denotes its coming-down upon, or befalling, the person or persons concerned (Tabari). Similarly, the "morning" (sabah) is a metonym for "awakening".]
Khalifa**When it hits them one day, it will be a miserable day; they have been sufficiently warned.
Hilali/Khan**Then, when it descends into their courtyard (i.e. near to them), evil will be the morning for those who had been warned!
QXP Shabbir Ahemd**But when it comes upon their front-yards, it will be a dreadful awakening for those who have been sufficiently warned.
Farooq S. Khan
Mohammad Shaikh
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بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
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